Whether you are working with the Emotion Code yourself or interested in a Body Code session, everything starts with identifying the specific issue. In this article, I have compiled a list of topics that can serve as a foundation for your energetic work and why these topics go beyond purely physical complaints. I have already worked on most of the listed topics with clients.
- Which areas of life benefit from Emotion Code or Body Code work?
- How do I find the right topic for my session?
- 66 Topics for energetic work with Emotion Code and Body Code
- Describe and express precisely
- Find what matters most
The significance of the interplay between physical symptoms and emotional burdens is now widely acknowledged in the medical field: trauma, anxiety, or stress can demonstrably lead to a variety of physical complaints, such as neurodermatitis, migraines, digestive issues, or heart problems. However, experienced trauma, negative emotions, and stress can affect not only the physical level but also other areas of our lives, such as family relationships, partnerships, professional stability, and belief patterns. Therefore, it is healing to seek out the energetic roots of problems and symptoms in all areas of life.
How do I find the right topic for my session?
Eine möglichst exakte Fokussierung auf das Thema ist für den Emotion Code und Body Code Prozess sehr wichtig. Denn nur, wenn die Intention klar ist, können die damit verbundenen Ungleichgewichte und Energien zielgerichtet gefunden und gelöst werden. Auch eine Verbesserung Deiner genauen Thematik kannst Du im Nachhinein leichter bemerken.
Wenn Du beispielsweise lediglich denkst: “Es soll mir besser gehen”, ist Deine Intention ungenau und folglich wird auch das Ergebnis der Sitzung schwammig und schlecht nachvollziehbar sein. Indem Du Deine Intention fokussierst, geht Deine Aufmerksamkeit nach Innen. So wird Deine Energie gebündelt und Deine Selbstheilungskraft gestärkt. Der Grund ist: Die Energie folgt der Aufmerksamkeit.
66 Topics for energetic work with Emotion Code oder Body Code
You can find a topic for your work here, or you can get suggestions on which topics you could work on.
If you’re working with the muscle test yourself, you can test your focus using this list. Please read my blog article on muscle testing for more information here.
- immune weakness
- desease causing organisms like bacteria or viruses
- digestive issues
- respiratory problems
- musculoskeletal problems (legs, bones, joints…)
- nervous system
- cardiovascular system
- pain
- organs (liver, kidneys, heart…)
- eye problems
- injuries or acciddents
- skin problems
- allergies
- vaccination side effects
- sleeping problems
- overweight
- depression
- anxiety
- uncertainty
- loneliness
- feelings of guilt
- perfectionism
- addictive behavior / substances
- dependencies
- emancipation, individuation and emotional detachment
- low self-esteem
- lack of decisiveness
- physical or mental weakness
- feelings of powerlessness
- vulnerability
- anger and rage
- eating disorders
- lack of self-love
- offensive energies
- poisoning / toxins
- difficulty setting boundaries
- authority issues
- communication problems
- negative thought patterns
- uncertainty / confusion
- learning difficulties
- difficulty concentrating
- restlessness
- stress
- blockages
- blocks to success
- transformation and personal development
- calling
- problems in partnership and connections
- disrupted relationships
- burdensome mother/father issues
- sibling rivalry
- negative dynamics in the relationship with XY
- being an outsider
- being a victim / bullying
- emotional powerlessness
- betrayal (in various areas of life)
- emotional injuries / emotional trauma
- physical trauma (due to accidents, surgery, assaults, etc.)
- inherited traumas (transgenerational transmission)
- inherited negative emotions
- energies that stand between me and person XY
- obstacles, talents, and abilities to use to the fullest
- improve spiritual connection
- lack of trust
- emotions (and imbalances) related to situation XY
Describe and express precisely
Your intention becomes clearer the more precisely you formulate it. Here are some examples:
- recurring urinary tract infections
- fear of the future
- workplace bullying by a colleague
- authority issues with supervisors
- medication poisoning
Even if you don’t work with the Body Code system yourself, you can still use the Emotion Code to release hidden emotions that may be underlying illnesses, challenging life experiences, and difficult relationships. By doing so, you prevent them from continuing to negatively impact your physical and emotional well-being.
Find what matters most
If you have no idea what to focus on at all and still don’t feel comfortable, you can choose this intention: “current negative emotions” for working with the Emotion Code and “current imbalances and energies”. This way, the most pressing emotions and energies for resolution will reveal themselves. Improvement usually occurs very quickly after releasing specific energies.
When you book a Body Code session with me, I’m happy to assist you in narrowing down your intention.
Since 2022 I am a certified practitioner by Dr. Bradley Nelson / Discover Healing.
I hope you liked these suggestions, and if you know of any other helpful intentions, feel free to write them in the comments!