Mindmapping works but one thing first: it doesn`t work quickly, but rather: at some point in your life the time is right to manifest certain potential. And once you are clear about what makes you special, what inspires you and what’s inside you, then the right times come naturally.
Why I searched for my potential and what I found
A few years ago I was in a deep crisis. I felt restricted, frustrated and not recognized for my abilities in my job at the time. I knew it couldn’t go on like this, I was desperate. I lacked a vision. That’s why I looked for a coaching session. I first thought about what we all imagine a job coaching to be… A good friend who supported me a lot at the time recommended that I definitely get in touch with her friend Götz Wittneben to try out his mind map method. Since I like to work creatively and am also a “word” person, this special ME-MindMap® by Götz Wittneben really appealed to me.
The Me-Mindmap®
Die ich-Mindmap® has five branches that extend from the center, ME in the middle. Dream jobs, knowledge and skills, joy and interests show positive things and visions, in an abundance that we often perceive individually, but not in this abundance. The fifth branch provides space to make stressful and pressure visible, because there are of course also the reasons that prevent us from grasping and implementing our full potential.
But not only the concept or the word should be visible. In order to make this mind map a very personal and incomparable one, it should be filled out and designed creatively.
My potential becomes visible
The suggestion to look for so many positive things with the Ich-Mindmap® solved a knot for me and changed my focus in this life crisis: What dreams, visions and potential are within me?
I don’t want to explain the entire mind map to you here, just a few examples: With dream jobs, for example, it’s not about whether they would pass the reality check, whether you have the appropriate education, physical constitution, etc., but rather about what you are longing for or what motivates you to reach out for this. What attracts you to this job? What inspires you? What do you think is great about it? Why would you like to do it?
This mindmap changed my life
No pressure: there is no need to work on your goals on a daily basis. I didn’t sit down to create to-do lists to gradually implement the various steps or projects based on my mind map.
My view of myself had changed, the tunnel vision of worries and inadequacies became wide and open. My potential had become really visible for me. Things and circumstances arose and came to fruition on my path almost without my intervention, just because through this work I became so much more aware of what brings me joy, what inspires me and what topics give me meaning.
My dreams become reality
I like to write and one of my short stories was included in an anthology and I was able to read it publicly at the Leipzig Book Fair. I changed my job and was able to continue to develop professionally. When I moved and had the chance for a fresh start, I researched the topic of death and dying and got involved in hospice services as a volunteer for nearly ten years.
I now spend a lot more time on my hobbies such as photography and writing. And a some years later I actually write texts for my own blog, just like in my dream job vision.
By now I have created three Mindmaps like this because after some time you see your dreams change, you gain more knowledge and experience and you might also change your dreams and goals as you get older. Each Mindmap has done its wonderful magic in exploring my potential and manifesting it on the world.
How you find out what makes you special
Because I was able to experience the effectiveness of this mind mapping method myself, I later had Götz train me in this wonderful method. I would be happy to support you if you want to discover what defines, inspires and drives your heart and soul so that you can recognize and live your full potential.
One Response
Thank you Sabina for articulating the mind map steps so well. Your journey has really inspired me, As many people are in the state of confusion and frustration today it is really a handy tool for clarity for navigating to achieve the dreams.